New Jersey Prescription Monitoring Program Tutorial
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Photo of Dr with prescription pad

Mandatory Patient Look-Ups

Healthcare practitioners who have a current New Jersey Controlled Dangerous Substance Registration are required to register for PMP access.

A practitioner or the practitioner’s delegate shall access the PMP the first time the practitioner prescribes a Schedule II controlled dangerous substance to a new patient or current patient for acute or chronic pain, unless otherwise exempt from the requirement.

The practitioner or practitioner’s delegate shall access the PMP information on a quarterly basis (every three months from the date the initial prescription was issued) during the period of time a current patient continues to receive a prescription for a Schedule II controlled dangerous substance for acute or chronic pain, unless otherwise exempt from the requirement.

Once PMP info is documented in a patient record, disclosure of such information is governed by applicable State laws, other than N.J.S.A.45:1-45, and Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and the Federal health privacy rules set forth at 45 CRF 160 and 1640.