New Jersey Prescription Monitoring Program Tutorial
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Photo of prescriber using a tablet

Rights & Responsibilities of Prescribers, Dispensers and Patients

A practitioner or pharmacist who accesses or discloses PMP information for any purpose other than providing healthcare to a current patient, or who allows a member of his or her office staff or pharmacy staff to access the PMP using the practitioner’s or pharmacist’s PMP password, may face penalties:

  • A practitioner or pharmacist may be subject to disciplinary action by his or her professional licensing board for professional misconduct; and/or
  • A practitioner or pharmacist may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 imposed by the Division of Consumer Affairs.

A practitioner or pharmacist must comply with all regulations of the Division and the practitioner’s or pharmacist’s professional licensing board concerning the collection of, and access to, PMP information. Practitioners, delegates, and pharmacists must keep their email ID and password confidential.